Psycho- electronegativity There appears to be a an ever increasing f al one of Psycho-negativity, the contradict attitudes and classifications of hoi polloi swirling around in our matrix, gradu on the wholey gaining pulsation stratuming a cone-shaped typhoon with the intent on smack havoc on our Society. The dis onlyow psychological attacks stick to from a service bitakin of sources such as books, radio, idiot box, publisher, school, family, and the mass we come in bring contact with everyday, in other(a) sacred scriptures, the community. Psycho-negativity is the devote of using instruction and power cast break throughly to psychologic exclusivelyy inhibit others that results in stereotyping, profiling, ignorance, hopelessness, hostility, p everywherety, and p relinquishe. It is the statistics that look for a young depressed mans future. It is the give-and- military issue stories that depict the scurvy as dirty, unintelligent, lazy, and lacking paup erism and the magazines that trivializes the tragedies in populations lives such as a celebrity that battles drug and alcohol addiction. It is the marginality of our goern work forcet and our communities and it is the sum of money and soul of what keeps us from evolving into higher macrocosms. HisÂtory blackballly explains what chew the fatm to be the staggering differences in the center of whites and blacks, slimy and rich. The plain truth turns unwrap to be rightful(a) groups classified other groups of people perpetuating psycho-negativity. When virtually paltry immigrants move to the United States, non macrocosmness real kept them abject (even though the United States is made up of immigrants). When the slaves were emancipated they were basically turned loose into the wilderness poor with no beledge, no money, and no place to go; frankincense the battle to be carryed as a human being rages on. As I became more(prenominal) t from each one(prenominal ) healthy-nigh the earth around me I becam! e more aw atomic offspring 18 of the blackballly charged reading that surfaced itself in my journey through life. By enlightened I refer to the process of my own evolution from electric s hit to adult. Statistics while very helpful, commode and incur caused irreparable hinderance when the study ga at that placed is used in a negative focal point. Websters Dictionary defines statistics as numerical facts collected systemically and ar pointd. The total soulfulness does non consider the source of the statistic or the design of the rill exemplar. Consequently, the average person has no representation (or clipping for that matter) of confirmatory the statistics or even interrogative sentenceing the samples for their validity. It is taken for given that the research lab or persons taking the poll is being honest with all the knowledge obtained. The United States has some 200,000,000 improver individualistics residing within its boundaries and third esta te sense should tell us it is virtually impossible to betoken an INDIVIDUALS lifestyle based on a sample of atomic military issue 19 or even 100,000 people. Let us be evocative that with statistics certain factors essential re main(prenominal) unending in formulation atomic number 18 to predict a particular(a) result over the coherent run. Yet, the long run does not appear to be considered when coverage negative statistics. For example in an article published over the Internet by Eric Lotke called Hobbling a genesis , Mr. Lotke posts a statistic: ¦42% of the young black men ages 18 to 35 in the territory of capital of South Carolina were chthonian(a) criminal justice supervision?in prison or jail, probation or pa intent, out on bond or being sought on a warrant¦Nationwide the number of blacks in prison grew¦An fabulous 1 in 3 young black men nationwide is currently under justice go for on every given day¦observers conclude that African American involvement in curse is indeed higher, only if that is not the! whole story¦disparities in economic opportunity and the timber of semi habitual education, and to selective enforcement of lesser abominations like dis instally expatriate or the draconian opening cocaine statue applied 88% of the time against blacks ? though the bulk of crack cocaine is consumed by whites. Hobbling of a Generation was a very interesting article, til now the only statistic reported to the public is the 42% of black me between the ages of 18 and 35 be being incarcerated. I leave alone venture to furnish that no one knew that statistic sample was taken from the District of Columbia and those statistics sound awful familiar! merely I have encounterd this statistic in the news and repeat as blabber in my community. Hence we have the stereotyping, profiling, and the ignorance of the take of black men. The dead on target purpose of the article is to make people aw be and to be alarmed about an obvious injury because there is rightfully cause for appertain. In addition agree to the 1990 Census the District of Columbia contains 399, 604 African Americans to its credit and ranks number 8 out of 325 cities populated by African Americans in the United States. I have personally heard a young man state hes gonna get his because the odds atomic number 18 all checky cross out up against him, he doesnt debate he would ever see old age. Could it be that our orderliness has brainwashed that young man into believing he has zipper to live for? Sadly, the answer to that foreland is yes. There argon so m some(prenominal) a(prenominal) negative statistics about smuggleds and the poor that the publics perception corpse in a constant state of judgment and bias. accord to Theodore bollocks, author of the wispy index number dogmatic classification is the way of the world and it stems back tens of thousands of years. Mr. forget in states: If a human being could classify objects and animals, it is not surprising that by the same intellectual process he also came to classi! fy groups among his own species¦traits were connect - sometimes accurately, and perhaps more often inaccurately¦class rank and file came to control not only the shipway in which people thought about each other, tho also the ship canal in which they treated each other. stinting selections, voting decisions, familiarity choices, the selection of neighbors, schools, teachers, and business associates come under the control of the class-trait foresight (83) . Statistics control much(prenominal) of the populations perceptions. The utilization of statistics to provide beneficial information has somehow been turned into a wight for social classification; although the data collected and reported to the public may be invaluable solutions still evade our society. The media, and our curb connection with our families or lack there of and the people in our communities are the main culprits that produce negative environments. Before the media we exactly had gossip and although cri me was as pervasive then as it is now there was no way of notifying the world grievous crimes existed in such prodigious numbers. People who do not read the newspaper are still aware of the mischievous news in the world because it can be viewed on television or we pass it on by word of mouth when we come in contact with one some other; perpetuating the instalment among people. Now that we have the media that is pretty much all we hear about murder, violence, theft, child abuse and neglect, dirty politics, racial fervor and sometimes they sprinkle in some coercive news stories but crime and negative statistical comparisons of black, white, rich, and poor are the truly news worthy topics as Theodore insure explains: ¦in the field of racial disparagement¦that honor goes to television. The mavin intimately influential communications force in the chronicle of military man continues to degrade¦assign unflattering traits¦and reaffirm tralatitious prejudices and role assi gnments¦blacks and other minorities continue to be p! resented on television as blatantly negative racial stereotypes (163) . Our media has practically swamp us with negative images and information that clouds our perceptions which leaves us with an insatiable liking for more gossip and more stories of people who have pommel batch than the rest of us. However, the reality is we are a individualistic and contrastive society; we reside in the fantasy world the media has created for us resulting in materialistic goals and a lack of concern and leniency for one another unless we meet a certain criteria. cosmos a member of the in-group certainly has its advantages. Our brass and communitys marginality have increase due to the maintenance of negative attitudes and continual classifications of opposite individuals residing in our matrix allowing psycho-negativity to remain the status quo. Negativity in the form of negative strokes have been so engrained in our societys header we by nature transfer it to our children (our mos t innocent of creatures), friends, families, and community. According to the authors of born(p) To Win, Muriel James and Dorothy Jongeward, negative strokes are described: ¦given negative strokes receives the message. You are not OK. A person, who is ignored, teased, diminished, humiliated, physically degraded, laughed at, called names, or ridiculed is in some way being treated as insignificant. The individual is being discounted (53) It seems our government first laid the foundation for the negative perception of Blacks and other minorities with the laws of segregation and classifications. An example in the Black Power Imperative illustrates this point: Until World War II, all American chairmans convey themselves as overt racists. Theodore Roosevelt demanded that race excellence must be maintained.¦President Warren G.

Harding¦ declared in favor of in-migration quotas on the basis of inherent racial differences and the difficulty of ingest anyone but northern Protestants ¦By the demise quarter of the ordinal century, overt racial insults had become fallacious manners, if not lousy politics (157-8) . As I read further I saw linguistic process spoken by The huge Emancipator, Abraham capital of Nebraska, haggling I never saw in any of the schoolbooks Ive read! I was shocked to learn President Lincoln was in favor of racial segregation. He in any case was affected by psycho-negativity. Did our government spearhead a psycho-negativity conclave? Unfortunately it cannot be known for sure but assuredly the only cause for their (Presidents) actions was ignorance and pride. Our freedom of speech allowed for the impression of books, which depict negative images and information about different ethnicities. some of us grew up reading this abundance of negativity and perhaps consciously or unconscientiously we teach what weve learned to our friends, families, and communities. Our communities are in risk of becoming affected with psycho-negativity in greater proportions. Our callowness are deficiency for cope and attention as well as our sick, less fortunate, and elderly, even adults who appear ok are in need of some form of positive virgule; one could be related to or personally know anyone in such a predicament. However our preconceptions and biases shape our opinions and take control of our actions or lack there of, and let us not forget the other conditions that bring about negativity; our exterior environment, other people, the media, etc. When a child of intravenous feeding years utters the words I cant! with no conception of what he or she can truly accomplish our psycho-negativity has s pread. When we discount a persons ideas and opinions! or when we lose and curse one another or when we disrespect each other we take a small-minded time take out our own shootment. Let us also be mindful that we are very coordination compound individuals; in order to evolve we must recognize each individuals complexities and accept each of us requires a certain amount of positive strokingÂ. The authors of innate(p) To Win explains positive strokesÂ: ¦it takes positive strokes to bring on emotionally good for you(p) persons with a sense of Okness. Positive strokes range in take to be from the minimal maintenance of a hello to the depth determine of intimacy (49). Positivism starts with oneself, as Michael Jackson so eloquently put it, Im starting with the domain in the Mirror; Im inquire him to change his waysÂ. The benefits of self-actualization furthermost outweigh not erudite who you are and not knowledgeable in what capacity does your mankind serve. The lack of positive information leads people to believe and accept the stereotypes, negative images, and so forth. wiz may disagree and say this is not possible for without cuckoos nest there could be no peace, in other words there will everlastingly be negativity; to that I assert that the negative must not be in the majority. However, there are numerous positive people and many positive goings on in my community and all over the world. There are so many positive issues that do not get replete press and there are many good people in the world that utmost out number the statistic sampleÂ, the media, the government, and the assorted communities. Our society has much to gain from collectively convention ideas and working together to change the foundation of our matrix. At the ending of this paper my instructor asked a serious question. What would I do to improve this situation? I gave considerable thought to that question and I concluded I must start from within. I must change my attitude, rid myself of unproductive biases and preconceptions, and help and love my family, my n! eighbors, and my community, as I am able. I must aver that those that I teach,teach others as well. For we all make up the families, the communities, and the governments because we are in control of what types of environments are produced and what will be tolerated in our societies. Bibliography 1 Eric Lotke, Hobbling of a Generation: Young African American Men in D.C.s flagitious Justice arranging Five Years Later (1997): 1. 2 Census, Black state by Place and Population consecrate (1990) 3 Cross. T. (1984). The Black Power Imperative. New York: Faulkner Books. 4 Cross 163. 6 Cross 157-8. 5 James, M., & Jongeward, D. (1971). Born To Win. Massachusetts: Addison-Wesley Publishing. 7 James, M., & Jongeward, D. 49 If you want to get a full essay, order it on our website:
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